Keeping It Real: Life Happens

inspirational image with winston churchill quote about optimism


We all have those moments where we want to pull out our hair, grit our teeth and say my life is over or better yet say I do not want to adult today; well guess what guys “Life happens”.

Everyone you meet is either there for two reasons, being a blessing or is there to teach you a lesson. Every trial and tribulation are not there to defeat you, but they are necessary. They are there to remind you that life does throw curve balls. But sometimes you must step out on faith and believe in yourself;  even though a curve ball was thrown no matter what you are going through you must hit the ground running. I am here to tell you to think the impossible and do the impossible.

Being in uncomfortable situations allow you to discover your inner strengths. Take the time to learn yourself and the capabilities you possess. Brian Tracy once said, “Move out of your comfort zone, you can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new!” Trust me when I say it takes awhile to learn yourself; but while you are taking the time to  learn yourself take advantage of the opportunities in-between you must start somewhere.

So, for me I worked in retail for almost ten years and let me tell you I applied too so many jobs across the U.S, I just needed someone to take a chance on me and give me the opportunity to show them my skill set. Until one day I had one of those grit my teeth moments and I had to take a step back and re-evaluate my life, what I wanted and learn who I was as a person and the capabilities I possess. I did not believe in my own capabilities and in my own strengths which led me to not believing in myself. For a few weeks I made myself uncomfortable where I found myself in awkward situations and from then own I grew to learn and believe in my strengths and who I was as a person. Sometimes it takes the inner you to bring out who you are and what you are meant to do. I found myself being interested in information technology into cyber security and all the things that it offered. One thing that bothered me was that you do not see a lot of woman at the forefront of Information security. If you research, you will be amazed at how many women are in this field and making history.

I say that to say this be encouraged not only to yourself but to someone else. Step into the forefront in whatever you do, let your inner self shine bright like a diamond and allow your story to be told. Life happens every day of the week whether we are ready for it or not, never be ashamed of who you are becoming and most importantly what you are becoming.


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